Chico's Revenge
Synopsis: A horror-comedy
Direct Message:
​A young girl who seems all too unaware of her dog's true feelings, a foolishly brave dog trainer, and a dog seeking revenge.
Chico, the dog, is sick of being humiliated day by day, and longs to be wild and free. When he takes his chance and finally escapes, his heartbroken owner calls a dog trainer, having nowhere else to turn. The dog trainer embarks on what she believes will be a simple quest, but encounters more than she bargained for.
In this horror comedy, themes of horror, revenge, and ironic comedy are explored.
Cast and Crew
Cast ​
Chico's Owner: Naliah N.
Dog Trainer: Ariel P.
Crazy Person in the Woods: Elena M.
Director: Naliah N.
Story/Scriptwriter: Ariel P.
Producer: Naliah M.
Editor: Ariel P.
Sound Editor: Naliah N.